The Way We Work

We offer a variety of therapeutic techniques, here are just a few…

  • Imago Therapy for Couples
    Helping couples uncover and keep the love they began with.

  • Multi-generational Therapy for Families
    Discovering the link between past and present family relationships from our family of origin.

  • Structural Therapy for Families
    Healing the family from inside out.

  • Behavioral Therapy for Children & Adults
    Identify behaviors and put in place specific reasonable modifications.

  • Humanistic Therapy for All
    Exploring our feelings and experiences in the present moment.

  • Cognitive Therapy for All
    Exploring your thoughts, how they affect your life, and what you can do to change them.

  • Cognitive Behovioral Therapy for All
    Exploration of thoughts and behaviors revealing how you can change them.

  • Solution Focused Therapy for All
    We begin with the solution in the first session.

  • Strategic Therapy for All
    We identify issues, set goals and personalize interventions to achieve your goal.