IMAGO for Couples
Unconscious Dynamic
Romantic Love
Begin with the meeting (Experiential/Unconscious) - The reptilian brain decides
I’m attracted to what is familiar to me & unmet needs from childhood guide the process
Our unmet needs correlate with our attachment style learned in childhood
The Power Struggle
Unmet needs calling on lost parts
Two themes (turtle/hailstorm)
Emotional Reactivity: Amount of explosion (emotional reactivity) external or amount of shut down (cut off) internal directly proportionate to amount of fear of being separate. Attack can be withdrawal or external.
Conflict is growth trying to happen
Unfinished childhood business
Behind every complaint is a wish
The Conscious Connection
The Dialogue
Three parts: Mirroring/Summary, Validation, and Empathy.
Introduction to the Intentional Dialogue:
ask for an appointment
identifying your intention
Send in small parts! one or two sentences.
Be aware of the impact of your facial expressions and the tone of your voice.
Remember you often appear very powerful to your partner even though you might feel powerless.
How to show up as the sender and receiver in the intentional dialogue (4 intentions):
Speak from the heart
Listen from the heart
Speak Spontaneously - Giving my partner my full attention while they are sharing
Speak leanly - Essential - As few words as possible to reach my message. Couples dialogue (crossing the bridge)
Check In: (Sender)
What I am experiencing in my body as we begin this session is……
At the end of this hour, I would like to experience…….
And what I can do to make that happen…….
One appreciation I have for you…..
Send & Mirror, Is there more?
How I imagine I might contribute to this experience
When we do this, I experience…
You make sense or I’m following you!
And what makes sense is ……..
You make sense because sometimes I …..
I imagine you might be feeling…. (One word feelings)
Response: (Receiver)
One thing that touched me that you said was…..
When this happens what is going on inside of me……and how I deal with it…..
One thing I can do different…..
What I am experiencing in my body after I have shared these things with you…..
A new way I would like to be with you around this is….
To Address the Turtle /hailstorm adaptations adopted in childhood (basic level) and to address the 90/10 assumption - 90% is from my childhood experience and 10% is from current experience.
Moving from the unconscious relationship and making the relationship conscious - moving to dialogical relationship/connection
A Few Important Assumptions and Practices
No shame, blame or criticism of the other or self
Validation: This does not mean agreement.
Powerful, important, scary
You make sense and what makes sense is ……..
You make sense because sometimes I …..
“When we notice something anchor it.” Dan Siegel
Always ask if the send feels validating to their partner
I imagine you might be feeling…. (therapist points out moments of connection)
Sentence stems:
When that happens the story I tell myself is….
That story comes from……
When I tell myself that story what I experience in my body is…….