Addiction Counseling To Combat Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling, Internet, Sex, Work Addiction

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An unhealthy dependence on any substance or behavior that has negative/destructive consequences or that causes significant distress for the person and those around them is known as addiction. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, internet, sex, and work are some of the things a person can get addicted to and may require addiction counseling.

A person may be addicted to a habit or a substance if he is facing problems in his relationships (both personal and professional), affecting his or her performance at work as well as how they relate to their family at home.

What Can Cause Addiction?

Addiction can be triggered by a variety of circumstances. The environment that the addict has been raised in is a major factor in substance abuse. Also, people who have undergone any kind of abuse (sexual, psychological, emotional, or physical) may be more susceptible to becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs. Emotional crises can also lead to addiction habits like work, the Internet, over-eating, over-exercise, etc. Because of low frustration tolerance, people tend to use addiction as their escape or defense mechanism.

How Can Addiction Counseling Help?

Addiction Counseling provides people with a safe space in which they can share their experiences and heal faster. It helps them get rid of their deep-rooted problems and anger towards others and themselves for their addiction.

Types Of Addiction

Let us give a brief overview of what these addictions are.

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is the most serious of all addictions. People addicted to drugs become extremely sensitive and are extremely vulnerable to relapses. Severe drug addiction is life altering and can get in the way of doing even the most menial of day-to-day chores.

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a serious condition that is not only harmful for the addict but for his or her family as well, who suffer equally if not more.

Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is also known as problem gambling. It not only breaks a person emotionally and financially, it forces him to lie to his family and also makes him impulsive at times.

Internet Addiction

Although Internet addiction is not an ‘official’ disorder, it is definitely not normal. It may involve getting hooked to online activities like cyber sex, pornography, online games, shopping, gambling, and extensive surfing, which hampers the addict’s normal social and psychological life. 

Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is unmanageable compulsion to engage in reckless sexual behavior. It requires tremendous self control on the part of the addict not to indulge in abnormal sexual behavior.

Work Addiction

Work addiction is a serious problem as it drains the affected person of their emotional, mental, and physical resources. It works as an escape route for them and allows them to forget their miseries.

If you believe you or a loved one may benefit from addiction counseling, we invite you to contact us to set an appointment today. Please contact us, and one of our trained counselors will be in touch with you shortly. A sliding scale is offered to those in need.


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